Coedmagazine recently came out with a list of the best looking ring girls. I have to agree with many of the picks especially the #1 slot, get it. No it wasn't Arianny but hot Page 3, Nuts, Zoo, Loaded, Maxim and Playboy girl Rhain Sugden. In my expert opinion she blows Ms. UFC out of the water. She is basically the Queen of British Lad mags, they get good ones with nudity over there. Here are some links to some of those NSFW pics: #1 #2 #3 and possibly the best #4
Quick rundown of the list:
- Some how Mandella is one spot ahead of Britanny Palmer in 17th place, I suspect Affirmative Action.
- Horse Face comes in at 13th which I believe is actually the number of Peni she can handle at any given time.
- That little minx Logan comes in thankfully at a decent 12th place.
- Natasha breaks the Top Ten with a respectable 9th, she is still #1 UFC Cage girl in my heart.
- Amber Nicole Miller is just ahead with 8th place, you remember her as the chick in the Xcience Commercials.
- Ali is in 4th and still looking pretty good.
- Arianny is in 3rd... sherdoggers head must have exploded with the thought of this. Oh the humanity!
- Rachele is in 2nd... eh she was ok.
more pics of Rhian and some of the other random finalists after the jump! Safe but not Recomended for Work
Source: http://www.fightlinker.com/26-most-beautiful-ring-girls
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